deb gardner allard

All's fair in love and rivalries, right?

When two jealous doctors engage in a silent competition for their female colleague, it's anyone's guess...

deb gardner allard
deb gardner allard

A Christian wife, proud mom, and romance junkie, Deb pens clean novels often laced with humor, quirky characters, and heartwarming moments. She credits Hallmark movies and chick flicks for their lively inspiration that keeps her smiling. Before she begins writing, Deb develops characters from past and present memories to serve as heroes and heroines. It's true that life introduces us to the most interesting people we can imagine.

As a high school grad, Deb worked for Dr. Horsely (pronounced Hoarz lee) Gantt, a research psychologist in his eighties, who once briefly assisted Dr. Ivan Pavlov of classical stimulus/conditioning fame in Russia. Because of her skepticism, he showed her a research article by Dr. Pavlov with Dr. Gant's name included. Adding to Deb's excitement, Dr. Gantt had her call a behavioral psychologist, Dr. B.F. Skinner, whom he knew well. Dr. Gantt enjoyed her stunned reaction during the conversation. A few months later, just nineteen years old, Deb joined the U.S. Navy to see the world. In boot camp, she won the American Spirit of Honor Medal for her example and inspiration to fellow recruits. After her tour of duty, she traveled the country with her career Navy husband, seeing places and meeting people from various cultures. These life experiences provide the fodder for the characters and settings in her novels.

Following a twenty-year registered nursing career, she pursued a lifelong zest for writing, spurred by her fifth-grade Daughters of the American Revolution medal for a story about Donner's Pass. Ten-year-old Deb poured through encyclopedias to learn what really happened to the ill-fated wagon train.

That passion for research led her to fervently study the writing craft. She won a first-place award for an adult story and had three stories published in anthologies, including CrossRiver Media's Abba's Lessons by DeeDee Lake. Her favorite accomplishments, though, are her two novels with romance, Love Calls the Shots and Find Me In Paradise

Deb credits her two degrees, a bachelor's in psychology and an associate's in registered nursing, with boosting her storytelling on multiple levels. She dispatches caring heroes or heroines to accident scenes to save lives with their medical know-how. Her years of Advanced Cardiac Life Support training continuously come in handy in timely moments.

On a typical day, Deb sits at her desk and thanks the Lord for her ADD and her handsome husband's infectious humor. He's romantic yet funny, the best combination for a happy marriage. He's her role model for both Aiden Littlefield and Gray Addington in Love Calls the Shots. 

When she isn't reading, writing, or cuddling her sweet Chihuahuas and supportive hubby, Deb enjoys spending time with Brian in nearby Grand Haven, a charming resort town by Lake Michigan. 



Love Calls the Shots

All's fair in love and rivalries, right?

When two jealous doctors engage in a silent competition for their female colleague, it's anyone's guess who'll win her heart.

Will it be the rich bachelor or the jovial best friend who stepped out of the "hippie" '60s in his kaleidoscope V-dub?

Think you know the answer? You might be surprised!

Two weeks...

Find Me In Paradise


Find Me In Paradise provides heart-pounding entertainment when an office vacation takes a disastrous turn in the Caribbean. After landing safely in Scarlett Bay, a twist of fate separates Sloan from her resort. When she awakens in an unfamiliar room with a deep voice speaking behind a screen, her...


Have questions about my stories? Please contact me, and I'll get back with you promptly--deb gardner allard.